Looking at the pages of history , it is interesting to read the statements that have been made about Christ .
Pontius Pilate said " I find no guilt in him . " Napoleon said : "I know men , and Jesus was not a mere man . " Strauss , the German rationalist , said : " Jesus was the greatest model of religion . " French Atheist, Renan , said . " He was the greatest among the children of men " Theodore Parker said : " Jesus Christ was a young man with God . in your heart " Robert Owen said : " He is the only blameless . "
However , all these titles and descriptions fell short of identifying Jesus for who He really was: the Son of God , God in human form , the Messiah .
Many today would describe Jesus as a great moral teacher , but in his book " Mere Christianity " , CS Lewis responds to this claim , saying that if that were the case , Jesus would either be a lunatic or a demon . He continues: "We will not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher He has not left that open to us he had no such intention . . ."
We do not have the option of saying that Jesus was a great moral teacher . How It could just be a teacher and say the things you said to your unique statements about the divinity ? And what about when he said it was the only way to God the Father ? Certainly , it would be very wrong if it were not true .
Then Jesus really leaves only two options: either accept it , believing that He is indeed the Son of God , or reject it . But simply saying that He was a great man and a religious man is not an option .
God bless!
Daily Devotional .
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